Since 1997, EDIFICE is accredited Issuing Agency for Unique Company Identification Codes (CIN) according to ISO/IEC 15459-2. The Issuing Agency Code (IAC) of EDIFICE is ‘LE’.

ISO/IEC 15459 – Information Technology – Automatic identification and data capture techniques – Unique identification

This International Standard provides information on the identification of Issuing Agencies for conformance with ISO/IEC 15459 – Information Technology – Automatic identification and data capture techniques – Unique identification. Since 2016, the maintenance of the ISO/IEC 15459 standard is with AIM Global (

Documentation on the AIM Global web site:

** For a list of Issuing Agencies and their CodesDownload the Register of Issuing Agencies and their respective codes for ISO/IEC 15459. 
​** To obtain a copy of the standard ISO/IEC 15459Visit the AIM Store.

The structure of the EDIFICE License plate and its recommended usage is explained in the License Plate Guideline. Visit the link below to download this document.

** The EDIFICE License Plate Guideline

AIM Global requests all Issuing Agencies to publicly publish all assigned CINs. Visit the link below to view all EDIFICE assigned CINs.

** The EDIFICE assigned CINs – Company Identification Numbers